Ash Wednesday & Lent 2024: Give with Love

“It is not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving.” – St. Mother Teresa

Ash Wednesday & Lent 2024: Give with Love

Ash Wednesday kicks off the Lenten season on February 14, 2024, and with it comes many opportunities to grow our faith.  Some people fast, giving up things such as gossip, desserts, or social media.  Others give their time to incorporate Bishop Ricken’s “Five Alive” practices in their faith life: participating in Mass, Lectio Divina, Eucharistic Adoration, Confession, and the Rosary.  Then some people give gifts to the Church.  Whether that be through collections such as the CRS Rice Bowl, the 2024 Bishop’s Appeal, or reflecting on what legacy you will leave, there are many ways to impact the Church this Lent.

Through these Lenten observations, there is a recurring theme for this holy, reflective season: we give.

We give of ourselves, following Christ’s example of how He gave His life on the cross for our salvation.  With great love, He died for our sins.  With great love, we can give to others.  That is our mission for Lent.  Mother Teresa said it perfectly: “It is not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving.”  Whatever you give, no matter how large or small, shares Christ’s love and makes a difference throughout northeastern Wisconsin.

Your gifts further the mission of the Church in the Diocese of Green Bay and beyond.  Through CRS Rice Bowl, 75% of funds help our brothers and sisters globally while 25% stays in the diocese to support hunger and poverty alleviation efforts.  The Bishop’s Appeal supports essential diocesan ministries that bring Christ to thousands.  Catholic schools and faith formation programs help children discover Jesus.  Catholic Charities offers mental health, financial, and marriage counseling to those most in need of Jesus’ love.  Families who leave a legacy support our parishes, schools, and diocese.  Through the generosity of thousands of families, the Foundation has grown to more than 350 funds, endowments, and donor advised funds.

These campaigns, ministries, legacies, and more are thanks to your generosity.  Thank you for giving with great love like Jesus.

Please join us in giving with love this Ash Wednesday and Lent.  Whatever you give is greatly needed and appreciated.  Together, we can follow Christ’s example and share our love with thousands throughout northeastern Wisconsin.  Together, we’ll leave a legacy.

To learn more about leaving a legacy, please contact Josh Diedrich at 920-272-8197 or email at [email protected].

May God bless you this Lent and every day after.

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