Raising Vocations Collection FAQ

What does the money from the Raising Vocations Collection support?

This important collection supports ministries that help young men and women answer God’s call to a holy vocation.  Some ministries that will benefit from the Raising Vocations Collection are campus ministry at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh and campus ministry at our Catholic High School campuses.  They will provide support to these young men and women through retreats, spiritual direction and being part of a Catholic community when they are away from home and journeying with their peers. 

Why is the Diocese starting the Raising Vocations Collection?

The Diocese of Green Bay has been blessed by the prayers and generosity of thousands of people. With the help of a beautiful, anonymous donation to the one by One campaign, our seminarians’ tuition, room and board, and the Kairos formation year expenses will be covered for five years.

This wonderful gift will allow our Diocese to shift the focus to supporting the efforts of helping more young men and women answer God’s call to a holy vocation. After months of prayerful discernment and having consulted with the Catholic Foundation team, Vocations Director, Rev. Mark C. Mleziva and Bishop David Ricken have decided that every parish in the Diocese will undertake a new campaign called the Raising Vocations Collection. This shift will help us further our Diocesan goal of calling forth and forming 30 men in seminary formation by 2025. These holy men have been formed by ministries that encourage our young people to explore their vocation.

Who will be asked to support the Raising Vocations Collection?

Every family in the Diocese of Green Bay will be asked to participate to this collection through direct mail.

How do I make a gift?

Gifts to the Raising Vocations Collection can be made via check, credit card, debit card, automatic withdrawal, gifts of stock, IRA or other non-cash gifts. Checks can be made payable to CF-Raising Vocations Collection. Gifts of stock, IRA and other non-liquid assets, including real estate, should be made by contacting the Josh Diedrich, Catholic Foundation Executive Director at (920) 272-8197.  Gifts are subject to acceptance policies of the Catholic Foundation. Gifts to the collection are tax deductible as allowed by law.

Is there a goal for my parish?

No.  There is no set goal for any parish.  As a Diocese our goal is to have 30 men in seminary by 2025 and beyond.  For our Diocese to be successful in this goal we will need to support these ministries that drive vocations in a significant way.

Is there a way to make a gift online?

Yes.  Please go to:  www.catholicfoundationgb.org/give.  Then follow the website’s easy and helpful prompts.

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