Welcoming Jesus into your heart is important, especially for young men and women discerning their vocation. This is why the Raising Vocations Collection supports ministries that help our youth discover Jesus.
The 2023 Raising Vocations Collection helped more young people encounter Jesus. Nearly 6,000 individuals and families gave $600,000 to support ministries that accompany young men and women on their vocation journey. Ministries such as college campus ministry, vocation fairs, the Magdalene Women’s Discernment Mass & Meal, and more are helping our young people hear God’s call.
Even more vocation ministries will be helping our youth answer the call thanks to the 2024 Raising Vocations Collection. Young men and women in our Diocese will go to the Steubenville Youth Conferences. The Raising Vocations Collection is sending high school students to Blessed Carlo Acutis Youth Day at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion. UW-Oshkosh students will attend the SEEK Conference. These are just a few ways we help young people encounter Jesus!
Please prayerfully consider joining me in supporting the Raising Vocations Collection with a generous gift. Thank you for your support, and may God bless you abundantly!
If you would like to make an online gift to support ministries that increase vocations throughout the Diocese of Green Bay, visit https://www.catholicfoundationgb.org/give .