2024 Good Friday Collection for the Holy Land

Our Catholic faith has deep roots in the Holy Land.  It is where Jesus began his ministry, sharing the Good News with all He encountered.  On Holy Thursday, Jesus broke bread with His disciples, and with that, Jesus gave us the gift of the Eucharist.  This was also the beginning of the priesthood.  Good Friday is critical to our salvation.  Jesus died for our sins, and through His resurrection on Easter Sunday, we are given the chance at eternal life with Him.  The birth of Catholicism led to our faith spreading throughout the world.  Our creed, “one, holy, Catholic, and Apostolic,” unites us with Catholics across the world.  We should support all members of our faith, and our brothers and sisters in the Holy Land need your help.

Each year, the Holy Father asks all Catholic parishes to take up the Good Friday Collection to keep a Christian presence in the Holy Land. This collection on March 29, 2024, supports the Franciscan ministry work offered to the sacred shrines and parishes in the Holy Land. It also provides for the formation and education in communities and schools, and it supports the basic needs of our brothers and sisters during their current hardships.

During the difficult times following the tragic events on October 7, 2023, hope is much needed by the Christians of the Holy Land. The Christian community in the Holy Land has relied greatly on the pilgrimage industry, which has struggled due to the pandemic, and now war.  Our brothers and sisters require support for medical needs, food, and school tuition. 

We hope for awareness and charitable generosity for this year’s Good Friday Collection. Your participation allows for basic needs to be met for the people in the Holy Land and enables Christians and the Church to stay in the Holy Land, where the Church was founded.  This collection will occur at Good Friday services across the world.  Please consider giving to this important cause.

In this year’s Lenten Season, we humbly ask for your prayers for the Holy Father’s Collection. Our brothers and sisters in the Holy Land are counting on your support and encouragement.  To give to the collection, please give at your local Good Friday service, or donate at https://myfranciscan.org/donation-page-pontifical-good-friday-collection/.

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