Seventeen years ago, the Catholic Foundation established the Seminarian Collection with the theme, “Hope for the Future, Help Them Today!” This effort grew from a second collection in the first few years, to a mailing that reached every registered household in our diocese.

Over the history of the collection, more than 100,000 gifts totaling nearly $12,500,000 were given to support our seminarians. In 2021 alone, the collection raised more than $1,154,000 from 11,389 families. What an incredible show of support for our young men in formation! Thank you for your prayers and financial support that helped make the Seminarian Collection a success.
The Catholic Foundation is glad to share that our diocese has been blessed by a generous anonymous gift to the one by One campaign. This gift will cover the costs of our seminarians’ tuition, room and board, as well as the Kairos formation house for the next five years. As a result of this generosity, we have paused the Seminarian Collection. With our seminarians so generously cared for, we now have the opportunity to shift our focus to investing in and raising up the ministries that help our young people hear God’s call more clearly.
Please continue to pray for our seminarians and for an increase in vocations. If you know a man that would make a great priest, please tell him, and ask him to be open to God’s plan for him. To learn more about how to help the ministries that drive vocations around the Diocese of Green Bay, please visit today!