Q: What does Bringing Hope to the World look like?

A: To bring hope means to be a visible sign of God’s love. As disciples of Jesus, we are called to show kindness and mercy. We are called to share the hope of Jesus. We do this by comforting the sorrowful, helping people of all ages discover Christ, caring for those in need, and visiting the sick. Our world needs hope more than ever, and it is up to us to follow Jesus’ call and love our neighbor. Every small act of love, whether it’s sharing a meal, listening to someone’s pain, or praying for those who feel forgotten—becomes a pathway through which hope shines.
Q: How do you see the ministries of the Diocese bringing hope?
A: Bringing Hope to the World is first discovering Jesus in your life and then sharing Him with everyone you meet. We see this in so many ways in our diocese. Hope is found in helping young people grow their relationship with Jesus in our parish faith formation programs and Catholic schools. It is in the caring way a counselor from Catholic Charities brings the hope of Jesus to someone struggling in today’s world. When you give to the Bishop’s Appeal, you bring hope and support these and even more important diocesan ministries.
Q: Why does God call us to be generous and to share hope with others?
A: In Matthew 25:14-30, we see the Parable of the Talents. The parable is a great example of how God calls each of us to return the gifts He has so generously given us to support others in need. When you give to the Bishop’s Appeal, you are answering God’s call and are bringing hope to those in search of His love.
Another way we can give back to the Lord is by partnering with the Catholic Foundation to leave a legacy. You can support your parish, a Catholic school, the Bishop’s Appeal Endowment, or another Catholic cause you love. I’m grateful for all of our families who have considered leaving a bequest or setting up an endowment with the Catholic Foundation. Thank you for all the ways you are generous and are Bringing Hope to the World!