“Jesus said to Simon, ‘Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching men.’ When they brought their boats to the shore, they left everything and followed him.” – Luke 5:10-11
After fishing all night, Simon Peter, James, and John must have been tired. Imagine how you would have felt if you were them. Your body would ache from casting large, heavy nets into the sea over, and over, and over again. You’d be exhausted from staying awake all night. And, you’d be frustrated: not a single fish made it into your net.

Jesus saw the tired, frustrated men and instructed them to cast their nets into the sea once more. Simon Peter felt it was impossible. But because Jesus instructed him, Simon Peter and the men casted their nets.
The nets tore as hundreds of fish swam into them, to the point where the boats were starting to sink. With great fear and shame, Simon Peter told Jesus to leave him. He felt undeserving to be among Jesus. Yet, Jesus said, “Do not be afraid.” After witnessing the power and compassion of the Son of God, the three men gave up everything to follow Jesus and bring hope to the world. We are called to do the same.
Just like Jesus and His disciples, our Diocese is answering the call. Parish faith formation programs and Catholic schools help our young people find hope in a friendship with Jesus.
Catholic Charities counselors are Bringing Hope to the World. With counseling services for mental health struggles, debt management, adoption and parenting support, and marriage and family difficulties, counselors help people hear Jesus’s words: “Do not be afraid.”
Jesus is our hope today and always. This and even more is made possible in our parish and our diocese because of your gift to the Bishop’s Appeal.
Please prayerfully consider how you can share your gifts to the 2025 Bishop’s Appeal. For just $5 a month, you can help diocesan ministries share the hope of Jesus with members of our parish. Thank you for answering Jesus’ call to follow Him and share His hope with others!
To give to the Appeal, click the button below. You can also give by contacting your parish office or using the pledge card you received at home.
Thank you for your incredible support, and may God bless you!
Still not convinced? Click the images to meet the people impacted by your gift to the Bishop’s Appeal.