Paying it Forward to Help Our Seminarians

Marie Ann Parie holding portrait of Father Henry Arans

“I pray for vocations every day,” shared Mary Ann Parie. “We need priests. I don’t want money to be the barrier for them to enter the seminary.” 

Growing up Catholic, Mary Ann’s faith was always extremely important to her, as was the future of our Church. “How can the Church carry on without priests? You can’t have Mass without priests,” said Mary Ann.

She knew first-hand how important the vocation of a priest is after working for Fr. Henry Arens as his housekeeper for more than 20 years. After Mary Ann’s father learned Fr. Arens needed help, he introduced the two. This was the beginning of a wonderful working relationship and lasting friendship.

While working for Fr. Arens, Mary Ann learned his uncle, Monsignor Marx, helped him financially and made it possible for him to answer God’s call to the priesthood. Mary Ann paid it forward whenever she could because of this wonderful example of giving Monsignor Marx shared with his nephew.

Mary Ann created the Monsignor Marx and Reverend Henry Arens Fund for Seminarians in their memory. This endowment supports vocations to the priesthood and ensures future generations of Catholics have the opportunity to attend Mass and receive the Sacraments.

*This story is dedicated to the memory of Marie Ann Parie.

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