Catholic Foundation Grant Application

Applications can be submitted between October 1 and December 1.  Your grant application must be submitted to the Catholic Foundation by December 1 to receive consideration for funding in the upcoming year.  Grant distributions are reviewed and approved by the Catholic Foundation Board of Directors at the March meeting.  All grant checks are mailed by June 30.

The purposes of the Areas of Interest funds are determined by each individual fund.  They include but are not limited to the Poor and Homeless Fund, Jeanette K. Clark Fund for Children Services, Nazareth Fund and the Open Skies Education Initiative Fund.

The purpose of the Catholic Foundation is to encourage Catholic stewardship and generosity through endowment funding and planned giving.  Catholic Foundation ensures that all grant money is used according to the purpose of the endowment.

Characteristics upon which your grant applications may be judged:
Criteria include, but are not limited to the following:

1.  Advances Christian values and the mission of the Church of Green Bay
2.  Meets a priority need in the diocese or parish
3.  Encourages collaboration
4.  Is not duplicative
5.  When applicable, should be able to continue program/project after the duration of the grant
6.  Grant money requested is used responsibly
7.  May be shared with other parts of the Diocese
8.  Please note the following items will NOT be considered through this grant process: structural building projects, purchasing computers, books, travel costs or food/refreshments.

Procedure for requesting a grant:

1. Complete application.  Choose the appropriate application blank based on the specific guidelines of each endowment which include Evangelization, Lifelong Catechesis, Leadership Development and Areas of Interest funds.
2.  All grants must be approved and signed as follows:

a.  Parish grants signed by the Pastor/Pastoral Leader
b.  Individual School grants signed by the Pastor/Pastoral Leader and Principal
c.  Religious Education grants signed by the Pastor/Pastoral Leader
d.  Internal Diocesan grants signed by the Mission Team Leader
e.  School System grants signed by the President or Principal of the School System
f.  Organization grants signed by the Executive Director or Board of Directors President

3.   Grant requests need to be submitted by December 1.  The grant making committee will meet in February to make recommendations.
4. Grants will be finalized at the Catholic Foundation Board of Directors March meeting.
5. Grant monies will be available by June 30 and are expected to be used during the following fiscal year.
6.  The grant recipient must promote the Catholic Foundation through the program/project by using Foundation logo in the program/project materials including press releases, materials, social media, etc.  Our logo is located at
7.  A final grant report is required for grant money received prior to December 1.  The grant report is located at and needs to be completed by the deadline.

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